How Different Industries Use SaaS Services

Over the past several years use of the software as a service model, or Saas has been growing exponentially with more users and businesses shifting over to the model of on-demand and subscription-based software. Industries and sectors of all kinds have seen major advantages from switching over to SaaS product design, which have boomed in popularity as more people rely on cloud services to make their everyday lives easier. By looking at how these varied industries and sectors apply Saas services, we can understand just how impactful some of those changes have been in our society and daily lives.


Streaming services have turned the entertainment industry on its head over the past several years as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and Disney have jumped headfirst into Saas platforms that offer monthly subscriptions that access virtually limitless amounts of content. When $20 could once only get a consumer a single DVD or Blu-Ray, it can now open the doors to a huge library.

Saas platforms haven’t just been popular on the audience side, the production side has seen huge overhauls thanks to editing software such as Adobe Creative Suite and Avid switching over to subscription models. Resources once affordable only by studios and edit houses were no longer blocked to those with large enough budgets. Up and coming filmmakers now have access to tools they would never have before to bring their visions to life, as a result, the indie filmmaking scene.


Teachers and Professors have been incorporating more Saas services into the classrooms to make teaching and learning easier, as well as taking care of administrative tasks more efficiently. Students now have the ability to work from anywhere, on any device to complete homework and studies.

Companies like Codecademy, Build Academy, and Articulate have created entire educational infrastructures online as Saas subscriptions. People unable to afford college classes or just want to learn more about particular subjects now have access to hundreds of thousands of hours of quality educational resources for as long as they need.

Teachers can swiftly share assignments and updates to students via file-sharing services and many educational software services have curriculum plans with their own assignments, textbooks, and supplementary video tools to streamline lesson plans. The lower cost and immediate access to these have shaped the way teachers are able to do what they do best, teach!


The engineering and RnD industries have majorly incorporated cloud computing and other software services in huge ways, seeing advantages like greater resource management, easier communication and scheduling, and storage for massive amounts of data that would have taken precious time and resources to manage. Quickly sharing and organizing support, sharing data on a larger scale, and being able to more efficiently manage larger teams have led to rapid new advancements in the field.

When more companies and industries began to adapt Saas models and platforms into how they run their workflows, users were able to see improvements and advantages across the board.

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