What You Need to Know about Cisco CCENT Certification 100-105 Exam In 2025

If you are reading this article, then you are quite serious about your career. Maintaining one’s importance in the professional world can be a difficult thing to do.That is why you should be willing to take every necessary step. If your current job is related to networking on some level, you need to be on your toes because this is the kind of field that keeps on evolving every day. So, you should do the same and the only way is gaining knowledge.

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When you talk about networking solutions, CCENT Certification is probably the first name that comes to mind. This is because the company has managed to build a great reputation over the years and is respected throughout the world. Cisco offers a number of certifications and tests, each of them is right for a certain group of people. In this article,we will discuss the Cisco 100-105 exam and if you are a person whose job is all about routing and switching, then this is the test that you should take. There are more than a few clear advantages of this exam, and we will look closer at them for just a little while.

If you are thinking about taking the Cisco 100-105 exam, then it might be one of the best decisions you will ever make. Passing this certification test can be difficult in some cases, but if you are able to keep up, you can change your life. Succeeding in this exam basically means that you will become a Cisco certified expert and there is a lot of demand in the market for such individuals. Keep in mind that you must have at least a year’s worth of experience if you wish to take this exam. And you don’t need a Cisco telephony device to take any device with internet connection will do the job here.

Important Details

The Cisco 100-105 exam is a well-structured test, and most of the things about it are already disclosed. This includes the topics that make up the exam and the pattern. It is needless to say that knowing these things is very helpful especially when you are preparing for the test. The fail percentage forthis ICND1 exam is quite high and this is mostly because people don’t take it as seriously as they should. But enough of that, let’s move on to the important bits. Below you will find the topics that make up the Cisco 100-105 exam:

  • Infrastructure Maintenance
  • Routing Fundamentals
  • Network Fundamentals
  • Infrastructure Services
  • LAN Switching Fundamentals

Each candidate will be given 90 minutes to answer all exam questions, there will be 45-55 questions. It is unnecessary to say that time management is a keywhen you have so many questions and so little time. If you are unsure about a certain answer, then you should not waste time on that question.


Whenever a person decides to take part in any kind of extracurricular activity, one wants to know the benefits. The same is the case with the Cisco 100-105 exam however the benefits here can make a bigger impact on your career. The biggest advantage this test brings is that upon passing it, you will receive the Cisco certification. In this way you will have something to show to validate your skills,and employers appreciate such people. Earning this certificate means that all of the skills you have learned will be authenticated by Cisco itself and that is a really big deal.

By passing just this one exam,you will earn the certificate, and this can be a real morale booster. This is because other credentials require a candidate to take more than one test,which needs a lot of time. By taking this exam and earning the certificate, you can get a lot of confidence and experience, which will help you in the future. As mentioned earlier, Cisco offers many certifications and each one will bring something good for your career. Therefore, you should always be prepared to take more exams whenever you get the chance.

Personal Experience

After all the information that I had heard about the Cisco 100-105 exam, I really wasn’t expecting to pass the test on my first try. I searched the Internet a lot to learn more about it and everywhere the students were saying the same thing that this exam is one of the most difficult to pass. For a very long time I was stuck to this idea but as I started to prepare myself for thiscertification test, a thought came to my head. I realized that I was able to understand everything that I was supposed to learn, so maybe the people who thought that this exam was difficult had not been working hard enough.For example, I read a lot of Cisco books, saw a couple of videos, and took the PrepAway Cisco CCENT Practice Test Questions Part 5 100-105 Exam.

When I started the exam and saw all of the questions, I found out that all of the them were related to the things I had learned, there was nothing new. This was good news for me as I had spent months preparing for this test, and now it was time to cash it in the best possible way. All in all, it was a great experience, and one thing that I understood was that you just need to work hard for this exam because that is the only way to pass it easily.


The Cisco 100-105 exam is a great choice if you are trying to do something for your career. If you think that your career is suffering, then this might be the best way to save it. You should spend the right amount of time preparing for this certification test, aspassing it will be a piece of cake. Keeping in mind that most of the people who want to take this examare working full-time jobs, it is understandable that time management will not be easy, but it is something will have to be done.

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