3 Software Solutions Your Business Can’t Do Without

Nowadays, having a good business ethic and excellent sales skills isn’t enough to grow a business. Without a good software solution, your business might remain static. So, if you’re just getting started, you’ll need all the help you can get, and that kind of leg up is something you can expect when you’re using the right software. If you’re clueless about where to start, check out these software solutions that you shouldn’t miss out on.

1. Data Collection and Analysis Software


In addition to a catchy company name, making sure that you are maintaining an enhanced customer experience is vital to your company’s success. Anyone who knows a thing or two about business also understands that customers can make or break a company’s reputation. Moreover, your company can only grow through consistent customer acquisition. If your business isn’t customer-centric, its days are most likely numbered. That’s why software like Alchemer is a must-have for any business owner.

Formerly SurveyGizmo, Alchemer can be used to send out everything from a simple review to market research. Altogether, the Alchemer platform is specifically tailored to enhance UI and User Experience. Their solutions include voice of the customer, market research, employee assessment, and product feedback, amongst others. In a nutshell, it transforms customer feedback into strategies you can use to get ahead of the game. It’s not your regular survey platform — it actually allows you to get the best customer market research in real-time. A customer-centric organization will yield excellent results every time.

2. Video Management Software

As your assets grow, you’ll need to protect them to keep your business afloat. Setting up an efficient video surveillance system is one way to go to make sure that you’re safe from a variety of threats, whether an online attack or any other kind of wrongdoing. These days, it isn’t enough to have a state of the art camera, Video Management Software (VMS software) has to be on the table, too. If you’re running an organization today, you need to get with the times and ditch the archaic modes of video management. A Network Video Recorder (NVR) or Digital Video Recorder (DVR) software just won’t cut it. Rather, opt for a solution like Verkada.

Verkada’s VMS is an easy to use software solution that gives users more control over recording, storing, and managing all video footage captured by their cameras. To that effect, it offers great options, like remote accessibility, advanced search filters, hybrid cloud storage, and a friendly bandwidth, amongst others.

Furthermore, they don’t just have things covered on the data collection end, data privacy is also guaranteed thanks to end to end encryption. Altogether, this easy-to-use platform offers peace of mind in this fast-paced world.

3. Video Conferencing Software

If there’s one thing the COVID-19 pandemic revealed it’s that businesses need to find new ways to communicate. To ensure that workflow isn’t cut off, there’s a range of software solutions available. However, Zoom really stuck out during the peak of the pandemic. With a wide range of global customers and a straightforward interface, this is one app that fits the bill every single time.

With more businesses hopping on the remote work bandwagon, it’s imperative to have solid video conferencing software in your wheelhouse. Whether it’s for meetings with stakeholders, or alignment meetings within the company, this kind of software is the connecting link.

However, it doesn’t just have to be Zoom. As mentioned earlier, there are other options available. Some others include Skype For Business and Microsoft Teams. Each has packages tailored to suit different scales of businesses. Altogether, the aim is to stay connected, because once that communication link is severed, it’s hard to bounce back.

With all the above said, it’s vital to remember that not every software solution makes sense for every company. A start-up business might require different programs than medium-sized SMEs with more than fifty employees, so do your research and make sure that you’re set up for success.

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