As we launch into a brand new year, for many businesses, this is the perfect time to take a look at the current goals and milestones set forth and look to make changes and add new ones to the list. Whether your company is looking to expand its operations, hire more staff, procure more clients, downsize, or make operations more efficient, there are all kinds of factors to think about.

Of course, choosing these goals and milestones is just step one in the battle, next you need to come up with a detailed game plan on how the business can be successful in its efforts. This brings us to the topic of software, in particular, software that is meant to improve how businesses operate. Here we’ll take a look at some of the standout software offerings in 2020 that are capable of transforming how you do business.
The Online Kanban Board
The Kanban business model isn’t exactly new to the scene for those companies that exist in the manufacturing industry. Described in simple terms as a visual system that manages the entire workflow process from start to system, it has revolutionized the way many businesses operate. All workflows through a process and using a visual system of a whiteboard, managers can easily detect deficiencies, bottlenecks, and potential issues in the workflow. The whole idea is that it can streamline everything in the company, help the business to run more efficiently, and thereby save on costs.
Now here’s where things get interesting. Where the Kanban board is an essential tool in the business model, the whiteboard or even corkboard that has been used in the past is no longer a necessity. These boards are both cumbersome and messy, and unless you are standing in front of that physical board, you can’t access the information. This is exactly why an online Kanban board is such an incredible step forward.
An online Kanban board gives people an option to view the “board” anytime and from anyplace. It helps to provide that seamless integration across all departments and actually enhances the Kanban-style of management.
Take, for example, the online Kanban board from Kanbanize, which can be used by a single team, multiple teams, or enterprise depending on the specific needs and makeup of the company. It is designed to support the Kanban model and provides businesses with a variety of tools built into the software.
Improve Your Customer Relation Capabilities and Procedures
Another area that gets a lot of attention is customer relations. Without positive customer relations, it will be difficult at best to grow your business. The goal is to provide top-notch customer service with each and every transaction, no matter how big or small it is. It’s about creating customer loyalty and a base that you can count on. So, how can you improve upon your current level of customer service? How about investing in CRM, Customer Relation Management, software?
With this type of software, you will be able to track and stay on top of the customer experience from start to finish. It ensures that customer issues/complaints don’t fall through the cracks, that each and every issue is addressed, and that sales are moving through the system in an efficient manner.
It can also help with data management where your customers are concerned. This becomes important when you want to follow up.
Create an Environment Conducive to Remote Workers
One of the biggest trends happening in the work world today is a move towards a remote workforce. Now obviously, this won’t work for all businesses and all industries, but for those that can take advantage of it, the rewards can be pretty huge.
Think about it, if you have fewer employees that need physical office space, you can do away with all kinds of overhead costs. Not only that, but there has been study after study conducted that shows employees are just as productive, if not more productive when they can work remotely.
Of course, in order to make this work, employees need to have access to all the data and information they would have if they were sitting at a desk in the office. This opens the door to all kinds of different software such as communication software that makes it possible for employees in various departments to easily contact one another. Technology and software can actually make it feel as though everyone is in the same room at the same time.
Make 2020 a Fresh New Digital Start for the Company
So, as you think ahead to all you hope 2020 will be for your business, it’s important to consider the various software out there, and ask yourself if it could benefit your company in some way. Why not give your business a fresh new digital start for 2020?