SyncFab – The Core Element in Supply Chain

SyncFab – Powering Industrial Manufacturing 4.0

We are currently undergoing a new manufacturing revolution. Thanks to advances in technology and data-driven approaches to decision-making, companies are now able to adopt solutions that can help them operate as a single, efficient, and transparent entity without the ambiguity that arises from red tape and information delays common with traditional approaches to manufacturing visit

SyncFab, as a disruptive pioneer leveraging blockchain in the manufacturing space, is one such solution, and is the first of its kind. SyncFab aims to redefine the way we approach manufacturing by bringing manufacturers, buyers and sellers, solutions providers, investors, transportation and delivery agents, marketing, accounting, and all other manufacturing-related business processes on to one unified, cohesive, custom-built platform. Continue reading below to learn how.

The importance of the supply chain

One of the most critical business areas in manufacturing is the supply chain. The supply chain plays a central role in determining not only the distribution efficiency of company operations but also the quality of the final products that customers buy, the ability of companies to procure better and cheaper materials, and the ability to execute manufacturing operations as cost-effectively as possible. Because it has such a large impact on such a diverse range of processes, supply chain management has evolved over time and is now undergoing a paradigm shift in the way it is done. It used to be about doing more with less, and about improving the speed of delivery of individual operations, but today, supply chain is synonymous with the adoption of modern technology that enhances efficiency, accountability, quality, and standardization across business operations as a whole.

The benefits of advanced technology in supply chain management

By allowing for better visibility, tracking and analysis of supply chain operations, computerized systems today have dramatically changed the way things are done. With the right solutions in place, companies can now enjoy real-time monitoring of entire chain operations with granular-level insight into everything from shipping and invoicing to quality control and inventory management. The dynamic nature of the supply chain – which now more than ever relies on the use of smartphones, GPS devices, tablets and other devices – is creating a mobile supply chain, and manufacturers are looking for better ways to be leaner, quicker, more efficient, and to operate more cost-effectively.

Better understanding supply chain’s evolution – historical context

To better appreciate where we are in the evolution of supply chain operations, consider how manufacturing evolved over the last century or so. It was just a little more than a hundred years ago that Henry Ford launched his now-famous car assembly line. Case studies on his groundbreaking innovation usually state that, by allowing workers to specialize in performing a limited set of repeated tasks, time and error rates per task fell dramatically, allowing manufacturers to drastically cut down the time taken to put automobiles together. However, an often overlooked fact is that the assembly line ensured that distractions, delays, obstacles in accessing required information and dependency on unknowns all converged to zero. To put it another way, the assembly line redefined not only manual specialization but also information flows between different stations on the assembly line

From evolution to revolution

Today, instead of just evolving, supply chain is undergoing an unprecedented revolution. Often referred to as Industry 4.0, we are seeing the integration of manufacturing automation and data exchange on such an intricate level that it is helping to create what can accurately be called a smart factory. Controlled by virtual production lines that run systems while monitoring and completing physical processes, these systems can communicate with other systems in real time, track customer orders, reorder supplies, send out invoices, perform quality checks, compare manufacturing quotes, and ensure high-level integrity of products all from a convenient user dashboard. External third-parties can also leverage these systems to find better quotes or local resources when needed and to access a global pool of manufacturing capacity wherever it may be – all within a few clicks.

Powering manufacturing with blockchain technology

SyncFab, the blockchain-powered manufacturing platform that connects manufacturers with suppliers and customers in a fast, secure, transparent, and budget-friendly ecosystem, is at the forefront of this next industrial revolution. By using SyncFab, users can enjoy trustless verifiability of contracts and agreements as well as impenetrable security of data and transactions. The platform provides on-demand purchasing and tracking from anywhere at any, along with high-quality manufacturing quotes from vetted suppliers all across the globe, dramatically reducing the time it takes to find parts you need or buyers for your products.

By delivering highly streamlined supply chain operations that lower marketing, administrative, and manufacturing overheads, and by connecting customers of all sizes with vendors and suppliers regardless of location or capacity, SyncFab is helping to make departmental management of supply chain operations a thing of the past. Using SyncFab, ordering supplies, finding customers, sending invoices, receiving payments, and growing your business is as easy as checking your email. To learn how, visit today.

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