5 Reasons Why the iPhone 13 Remains Relevant Today

New products come on the market regularly. Some quickly become popular, then quickly leave the market. The basic Apple iPhone 13 is one of the long-lived ones. It turns three years old in the fall, but it is still popular.


The last generation iPhone, even the basic one in the minimum configuration, costs a lot of money. For the amount needed to buy it, you can take a couple or three good “budget”.

The announcement of a new series always means the cheapening of the previous one. And since the “thirteen” came out 2 generations ago, its cost has managed to fall to a very attractive level.

There are all chances to buy iPhone 13 favorably:

  • At a discount. Stocks on “applekophones” – a common practice.
  • With a cashback. From the store itself or the bank, whose card the payment is made.
  • Trade-In. Exchange with additional payment is a great way to save money.


For productivity is traditionally responsible for the Apple bionic chip. In this case – A15 with four graphics cores. It bypasses its predecessor in speed and energy efficiency. Gives a head start to many processors presented by competitors after 2021.

Attractive Appearance

The iPhone tile design is timeless. No wonder that the Cupertinians decided to return to it in 2020. Previously, this form factor was already used, for example, for the iPhone 4s.

In addition to the flat side edges, providing an ideal fit in the hand, the iPhone 13 has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Durability. The body is made of aerospace aluminum, which is resistant to damage.
  2. A wide range of colors. Six options, from classic black to expensive dark green.
  3. “Monobrow. Many consider it a calling card of iPhones and rate it even higher than the dynamic island.
  4. Thin frames around the screen. The front panel is a useful display space.

Not bad autonomy

Games and “heavy” programs discharge the iPhone 13 quickly, but in basic tasks it demonstrates decent autonomy. Charge is enough for 7-8 hours, provided alternating or parallel launch of the browser, multimedia player, camera, e-mail application, utility “Phone” and other programs. If you minimize screen time, you can charge every 2 days.

Quality display

The screen of the iPhone in the active state looks fresh, modern. Colors are transmitted accurately, without visible distortion. Brightness adjusts to the environment, manual adjustment is supported. The refresh rate of 60 Hz is enough for smooth framerate.

Dual camera, though simpler than the flagships, but shoots well. There is a night mode and photographic styles, synchronizable flash, customizable effects for portrait shooting.

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