4 Most Popular blockchains

There are four most popular blockchains today: Ethereum, Hyperledger, Corda, and Quorum. These blockchains all offer their unique pros and cons. You may want to try each one out to see which is best for you. Knowing which blockchain is most popular can help you determine whether it’s the right choice for your business. For trading in cryptocurrencies, the best software is https://bitphone.net. So, you should start trading in cryptocurrencies now.


Hyperledger is the most popular blockchain development framework, as it offers a trusted platform for organizations to build applications. It is a multi-project, multi-stakeholder effort that includes finance, banking, the Internet of Things, supply chains, manufacturing, and technology leaders.


Hyperledger is an open-source project that contributed to the blockchain community. It has over 500 members and has had over 100 projects. Most importantly, it has been used for large-scale applications for banks and financial institutions, automobile manufacturers, and logistics companies. It is used by private firms, governments, and organizations to build enterprise-grade applications.


It supports a variety of applications with industry-specific features built in. It is a famous blockchain because of its versatility and maturity. Validator nodes offer high performance and scalability. It is widely used in finance, healthcare, supply chain management, and more.




Corda blockchain is a distributed ledger that runs the whole day, finality and immutability. Corda is a collaborative effort between many of the world’s largest banks to jointly develop a blockchain platform optimized for their needs. Corda is a blockchain platform designed to record, manage and synchronise financial agreements between regulated financial institutions.


It gives you all of the advantages of decentralized technology. Corda is a blockchain-inspired project that acts as a decentralized ledger to run financial agreements between different institutions. The platform uses smart contracts written in Java or Kotlin for this purpose. Ultimately, Corda allows its users to design their applications and easily interact with parties outside the system through APIs that you can call from other processes or applications.



Quorum is a permission-able, private, and scalable blockchain that delivers high speed and performance for financial applications. It is an innovative contract platform. It’s beneficial for private or consortium blockchains as it supports most of the standard Ethereum features.


The Minimum Viable Blockchain Quorum enables data-sharing across multiple organizations, which makes it a good choice for consortium blockchains.It is a persistent and immutable blockchain that has private smart contract capabilities and is built to facilitate corporate transactions.


It is the world’s first confidential blockchain with a governance system and smart contract platform. Quorum is the only enterprise-focused version of Ethereum. It is designed from the ground up to provide the most advanced yet easy-to-use technology stack on the planet for global enterprises.


Quorum has all of the functionality of Ethereum but adds privacy-preserving transactions, value transfer permissions, smart contract capabilities, and more.It enables the creation of the digital currency in a hybrid approach, combining the benefits of public and private blockchains.


Quorum allows Tezos Dapp client software to run on an Ethereum Virtual Machine that is compatible with the Ethereum software but provides functionality that allows for private transactions and smart contracts.


Ethereum (ETH)


Ethereum lets you build unstoppable applications. Ethereum blockchain technology enables applications to run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, fraud, control, or interference from a third party.


This blockchain is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, linked and secured using cryptography. Each block typically contains a hash pointer as a link to a previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. By design, blockchains are inherently resistant to modification of the data. Once recorded, you cannot alter the data in any given block retroactively without altering all subsequent blocks, which requires the collusion of the network majority.


Applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud, or third-party interference. Ethereum blockchain is a public blockchain and the first to use its native cryptocurrency to pay for transaction fees.


Smart contracts allow you to exchange money, property, shares, or anything of value transparently while avoiding the services of a middleman. The Ethereum blockchain is also considered one of the top platforms for businesses making cryptocurrencies.


Final Words

Above, we have told you about the most popular blockchains so you can know more about cryptocurrencies.


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